Obamacare Beneficial

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President Barack Obama’s health care law may have locked many American offices, but it can prove to be very beneficial for India . With the implementation of this law, the demand for generic drugs in America will increase and India is emerging as a big power in the matter of such drugs.

At present, India meets about 40 percent of the demand for generic drugs in the US. It is expected to increase further in the coming times. This will benefit those pharmaceutical companies of India who make generic medicines. Along with this, employment opportunities will also increase in the country. The US may have faced many problems due to the new health care law due to opposition from Republicans, but when the current crisis is resolved, new opportunities will be created for India to earn foreign exchange.Sources say that due to the new health care law, millions of Americans will get the benefit of health insurance and this will encourage the purchase of generic drugs. India’s generic pharmaceutical industry is currently growing at a rate of about 30 percent per annum. Increasing demand for generic drugs in the US will also boost its pace.

More than 20 million Americans gained health insurance under the ACA. Black Americans, children and small-business owners have especially benefited. Thirty-seven states have expanded Medicaid, deepening their pool of eligible residents to those who live at or below 138% of the federal poverty level.
By expanding coverage, the ACA will expand access to needed medical care. Greater access to care as a result of being insured has been shown to reduce mortality, improve mental health, and improve self-reported health status.
In reviewing evidence over the past five years, this report concludes that the ACA has had no net negative economic impact and, in fact, has likely helped to stimulate growth by contributing to the slower rise in health care costs.


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